| 1. | The number of maintenance works on paving slabs was about 1050 each year 而路政署每年进行约1 , 050次维修铺路砖的工程。 |
| 2. | Dislocated paving slab 铺路块移位 |
| 3. | Upon receipt of complaints on uneven precast paving slabs , hyd will make prompt inspections 路政署收到关于预制铺路砖凹凸不平的投诉后,会立刻进行检查。 |
| 4. | In addition , hyd has incorporated contract provisions requiring workers engaged in the works to receive satisfactory training on laying of paving slabs 此外,路政署也在合约上增订条款,规定进行工程的工人须接受铺砌铺路砖的适当训练。 |
| 5. | Whether it will formulate measures , including the use of paving slabs that are harder and of better quality , to minimise the occurrence of uneven pavement surfaces ; and (二)会否制订措施,包括改用硬度及质素较佳的铺路砖,以减少行人路路面不平坦的情况;及 |
| 6. | To enhance the workmanship , hyd promulgated guidelines on construction of paving slab footpath and offered in - house refresher courses to train up their supervisory staff to ensure good quality 为了改善造工,路政署公布了关于以铺路砖铺砌行人路的指引,并为署内监督人员举办复修课程。 |
| 7. | Under the public construction projects , correctional services industries supply traffic signs , paving slabs and kerbs for highways , new town development and the new airport - related works 在公共建筑工程方面,惩教署工业组负责为公路、新?镇发展和与机场有关的工程供应所需的交通标志、铺板和石? 。 |
| 8. | The number of complaints received by the integrated call centre ( icc ) and highways department ( hyd ) on uneven surface of paving slab footway for the last 2 years was about 950 each year (一)过去两年,综合电话查询中心(查询中心)及路政署每年接到约950宗有关以铺路砖铺砌的行人路路面凹凸不平的投诉。 |
| 9. | There are many factors which contribute to the uneven surface of precast paving slabs . this may be due to the heavy loading caused by illegal parking of vehicles on the footway ; improper construction methods and substandard reinstatement works after road excavation (二)导致预制铺路砖表面凹凸不平的因素很多,包括在行人路上违例泊车,以致路面负荷过重;铺砌方法不当;以及掘路后进行的修复工程不合标准等。 |